Aaftabstargazer Services
This text briefly introduces your main services to your visitors.

Jyotisha derived from Sanskrit jyotiṣa, from jyótis- "light, heavenly body" is the traditional Hindu system of study of astronomy, astrology and the science of timekeeping using the movements of astronomical bodies

Tarot Cards
Tarot a set of cards used in tarot games and in fortune-telling. Its for anyone who desires to heal, evolve, and live fully as it can provide context for both of these channels, empowering us with the element of choice

Numerology is a language that allows you to expand the horizon of your spiritual awareness. It opens doors in your psyche that you did not know existed. Numerology is based upon this underlying unity

Vaastu Shastra
Vaastu Shastra is the "science of architecture". It is a traditional Hindu system of architecture based on ancient texts that describe principles of design which aim to integrate and align architecture with nature.

About Aaftab Kaur
Jyotish is pure science on spiritual level that involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Devotees believe that an understanding of the influence of the planets and stars on earthly affairs allows them to both predict and affect their destinies.
She has the understanding of life experiences from a deep spiritual level which helps her to guide the people and explain them in a very raw and basic level. She explains thing in an easy language and guide you to use remedies in way your own personality allows. This is the amazing part. Mostly astrologers tell you remedies which are either difficult to perform or you are just not convinced with them and unless you have complete faith nothing works. Even a child has to have a faith on you when you toss him in the air and catch him again.
Come with faith and you will find answers and enlightenment in your life ~ Aaftab Kaur.
Client Testimonials

Harkamaljit Kaur

Pankaj Wadhawan


Deepak Dhiman

Manpreet Kaur

Raman Rani

Pawan Preet Kaur